Putting GLTF into DynamoDB

8 minute read Published: 2023-09-14

Since finding out GLTF was just glorified JSON, I've been curious about what storing it in DynamoDB would be like and if it was possible.

GLTF Transform!

So, GLTF is just a JSON file full of all of our 3D data so we could go through it and read it all ourselves, but GLTF Transform is a lovely package that makes dealing with it much nicer (Developed by the legendary Don McCurdy)

I've not much more to say about it really, other than it made this project much easier, especially when it came to separating data from the buffers.

DynamoDB and Toolbox!

A super handy tool that I'm slowly growing to love, and one that I've used in this project, is DynamoDB Toolbox. It helps with single table designs (which is what I'm using here 😉), allowing you to define a table schema, giving you beautifully typed interfaces to interact with Dynamo with.

It's best to show you with an example. Here is the entity definition for a GLTF node in the final code.

new Entity({
    name: 'Node',
    attributes: {
        PK: { partitionKey: true, hidden: true, delimiter: '#' },
        SK: { sortKey: true, hidden: true, type: 'string', default: (entity: any) => entity.path.join('#') },

        path: { required: true, type: 'list' },

        type: ['PK', 0, { type: 'string', required: true, hidden: true, default: () => 'Node' }],
        model: ['PK', 1, { type: 'string', required: true }],
        sceneRef: ['PK', 2, { type: 'number', required: true }],

        ref: { type: 'number', required: true },

        name: { type: 'string', required: false },
        children: { type: 'list', required: false },
        meshRef: { type: 'number', required: false },
        rootNodeRefs: { type: 'list', required: true },

        data: { type: 'map', required: true }
} as const)

Here, each key maps to a key in our final Dynamo item, but each value determines what we can put in the value for that key. There's obviously type, which maps directly to base typescript types, although less helpful when working with maps and lists. We have required, which gives our resulting property a little ? if it's false.

We then get to the hidden property. This allows is to hide the property in the resulting type but keep it in the record. This only works if we have a way of toolbox letting toolbox figure out what the value should be, however. That is why for type, model and sceneRef we have, we are defining them with the ['PK', 0, ... format. It allows us to build a composite key from each of those elements, in the defined positions and put it into the PK value without having to manually join them 🥳.

The hidden property is handy in the sort key here too. It allows us to take other attributes in the entity, path in this case, to determine its value. The usage here lets us turn our path array into another composite key, this time a representation of the scene's node tree structure. Using this path in the sort key like this allows us to query the nodes using begins_with to only grab a subset of the model, which is some awesome functionality which is practically free!

Smooshing them together

We've got the node entity down now. So, let's tackle the others. We have Mesh, Model, Scene and Material which are all quite basic, so I won't cover them. They just contain the data they would normally represent but all of their references are altered to map to correct items in the table.

The only other interesting part is the Accessor entity. It's in here that we store all of our mesh vertices, normals and indices. For each accessor in the model, I'm using GLTFTransform's getArray method to get the slice of the buffer, then encoding it in Base64 and sticking it in the item as a string.

You may realise the problem with this already, and it's quite annoying. The maximum size for a single item in DynamoDB is 400KB, which means if any of our primitives holds an value greater than that, we can't store it. The problem is certainly not helped by the 33% bloat that using Base64 brings to the table. Regardless, there is a solution, and I didn't implement it.

Meshes are made up of primitives, so if any of your primitives are getting too big, there should be no issue in splitting them up (right !?!). My lack of understanding here is why I've left it hanging. I don't know the implications of splitting the primitives up more. Thankfully though, the scene I was developing with didn't have any massive meshes 🥳.

Popping a model into the table

With all of our entities being defined in DynamoDB Toolbox, and all of the GLTF elements easily accessible and iterable, writing to the table was as easy as batch writing them:

private async commitMeshes (dbEntities: Entities): Promise<void> {
    const batchPuts = this.meshes.map((mesh) => dbEntities.MeshEntity.putBatch(mesh.toItem()))

    await chunkRunner(batchPuts, 25, async (batch) => {
        await dbEntities.Table.batchWrite(batch)

Getting it back out

Getting the back out is a little bit more complicated, we do the following.

  1. Select a model by name.
  2. Select a scene by ref that's part of that model.
  3. Do a query on the nodes of that scene (This is where we can select only a subset, explained in a second).
  4. Do batch gets on each of the meshes referenced by the nodes.
  5. Do some more batch gets for each of the materials and primitives.
  6. Change all of the references in the gltf data to match what they are in the new file as node order will change in dynamo (especially when we're only getting a subset).
  7. For each of the accessors, decode them from Base64, concatenate the buffers, generate accessor and bufferView objects with correct sizes and re-encode the concatenated buffer back into Base64.
  8. Take all of the parts and jam them into a gltf object (With typing help from GLTF Transform 🙏).

As mentioned earlier, in the sort key for the Node entity, we're storing the tree structure of the scene by using the path like so:

A 3D file with visible tree structure

Now, if in my initial query for the nodes in the table does begins_with for 0#1, only the torus, cylinder and suzanne will be retrieved!

Implementation limitations

It's important to note that my implementation of this is missing some key aspects of the GLTF spec.


Besides trying to add what I just mentioned above, I'd like to run through some stuff that would be fun to explore with this.


I made an ERD to try and help explain how this ties together. Idk if it helps 😅.

An ERD representing the structure of the table
I wanted an ERD but I hate making them, so this is all you're getting

Only recently started listening to some more Poppy, she's hella weird. Here's a couple of her songs.